Alright peeps heres the thing, I love to bake. You heard me, I love it. But, my all time favorite cookie is the simple no bake cookie, I know I kind of contradicted myself. I also love peanut butter. So one day I was trying to come up with a way to combine the no bake with even more peanut butter and I came up with something brilliant and delicious! It has no name, but take my word for it, you will love it!
First you make the no bake (this recipe is halfed so some of the meaurements are a little funky).
3/4 c plus 1/8 c. sugar
1/4 c. milk
1/4 c. butter
2 tblsp. cocoa powder
1/4 c. peanut butter
1 1/2 c. oats
1/2 tsp. vanilla
pinch salt
In a saucepan combine sugar, milk, butter, and cocoa. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 1/2 mins. This is important, if you cook it too long it will be dry, and if you don't cook it long enough it will never set up.
Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter, oats, and vanilla. Spread the mixture in a 9x9 pan. I don't use quite all of it becuase it will be pretty thick, but go ahead and use it all if you're into that sort of thing. Set it aside and let it cool.
While the cookie base is cooling make the peanut butter mixture
8 oz. cream cheese
3/4 c. peanut butter
1 c. powdered sugar
Mix all ingredients together and spread evenly over base. Then melt about 1 cup of chocolate chips and spread over peanut butter mixture. I melt them in the microwave stiring everything 30 seconds. Let them set up in the fridge for a few hours before eating
They are pretty rich, so its not the kind of treat you can sit down and eat 10 of, but trust me, they are super yummy!

These look delicious! You are very talented :)