
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Smiles on Sunday

Just like many of you, I love is time of year for so many reasons. Of course I love the decorations and the lights and the goodies, but I think what I like the most is just the feeling that comes along with it. Most people seem to be a little bit nicer and a litter more generous. I love that. If only it would last all year, and not just in December, but hey, I'll take what I can get!

Anyway, it seems like every couple years I get the urge to tell everyone that all I want for Christmas is for them to send whatever money they would have spent on me to someone in a third world country who really needs it. I have yet to actually do it with all of my presents, but I have thought about it, that counts for something right!? No? Ok, never mind.

If any of you are feeling extra generous this year, one organization you might look into is Operation Smile. I recently learned a little more it, and I think it is such a great idea. Operation Smile is an organization that provides free cleft lip surgeries to children who are born with cleft lip, cleft palate, or other facial deformities. This surgery allows children to finally be able to eat, speak, and smile normally. Cool right? I'm all for charities that help kids. I feel so blessed that my little guy was born without any health problems, but that is not the case for many babies around the world. And if something was wrong, we have insurance to help as well as family and friends who would gladly chip in if needed. That is just not a luxury that most kids have.

If you are looking for ways to help, but can't really afford to just donate money, there are many companies that partner with charities like this. That way you can buy what you normally would and help someone out at the same time! One company that partners with Operation Smile is Campus Book Rentals. If you are in college and looking for a way to save money on books, because those guys are expensive, check out this site. It can save you tons of money of books by renting instead of buying them. You can also feel good about spending money on books from Campus Book Rentals knowing that part of the money you spend is going to help little kiddos in need. Or, if you need a little extra cash they will also buy your old textbooks back. I have a big box in my garage full of college textbooks that I thought I would use, but of course they have sat untouched for the last 3 years. I might as well get some money back for them! Hope you are all having a great weekend!

Do any if you have any favorite charities? I would love to learn about them!


  1. Hi! New follower here from the weekend blog walk! Looking forward to your posts! Would love a visit from you over at Moms Surviving Kids!

  2. Thank you for joining the Weekend Blog Hop this week! I love that you are reminding us to be more charitable! I like to do the same thing with my blog.



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